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Ram 2500 6.4L Hemi OIL CHANGE **How a Mechanic Does it

Ram 2500 6.4L Hemi OIL CHANGE **How a Mechanic Does it
https://www.minimaxxtuner.comI’m Alex today we are doing a little bit of an oil change on the 6.4 L Hemi in my own Ram 2500 Power Wagon I’ll show you how I change my oil on my own truck. Why I do what I do and all that fun stuff? So, let’s get to it. The first thing I like to do is actually check the oil before you even change it just to see.
You know where the oil level is um in the past oil interval. Here, whether or not you’re burning some oil, whether or not there’s actually some overfilled oil, it’s just a good kind of Baseline to see where we’re at and we’re basically just a hair over full, which is absolutely wonderful, did not burn any oil throughout our oil change. Interval and uh, it’s a good start. Next up we’re going to get ready to go underneath the truck I’m going to grab my creeper grab. My light oil drain bucket you’re, going to want to grab a 13 mil wrench or socket of some kind.
Chrysler products are usually always 13 mil drain plugs. So just keep that in mind I’m going to bring my filter down with me, because I just think it’s a little bit productive to bring it down there. So you don’t have to come back up and uh I’ll meet you guys under the truck. First of all, you do want to get your engine just a little bit warm um. Ideally, this allows a little bit more of that dirty oil to exit the engine.
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You can change the oil in a cold engine, not going to hurt it, but you’re just not going to get as much gunk out of it. Secondly, what I always like to do is make sure you can get your oil filter off. First, there’s nothing worse than draining your oil than realizing your oil filter is seized on there and you’re kind of up um, it’s Creek. So that’s what we’re going to do. First, we’re going to make sure we can get our oil filter off.
Put the new oil filter on and then we’ll drain the oil. Now for me personally, I always like to go under the front of the truck to get the oil filter and I’ll show you where it is. Here’S your diff and the oil filter is just up here. It’S kind of tough to get on camera with the limited amount of light, but uh. Let’S just see if this thing will spin on its own see if my uh manly hands can get it to move.
Oh yeah perfect, so we got. We know our oil filter is going to spin Ram being the very smart people. They are. Sometimes they put a little oil drain right there see if I can get this off without getting myself covered in oil boom, nice and runny, which is means the oil is nice and hot. We like to see that and then put that oil filter just to the side.
Ram 2500 6.4L Hemi OIL CHANGE **How a Mechanic Does it
Now, why didn’t I put that oil filter right in the bin? Well, because we just want to make sure that we have the right filter just because we have the right box. Doesn’T always mean we have the right filter so until this thing is installed, I like to keep the old filter handy just in case. I have to drive this truck back down to the hardware store and get the right filter. So just keep that in mind now, as you guys have probably heard many times before you put your oil filter up there, you just want to lube up the O-ring just a little bit just so we have some oil in there.
We don’t want this thing to be. Seized, we’ll put this baby on up here and uh. Well, it’s a little bit of an interesting spot, so you kind of just have to feel more than visualize. We don’t really want to get this too tight, but I like just to Snug it up just enough those things don’t need to be crazy, crazy, tight, just snug. Just to summarize, your oil filter is right about here and up it’s right around there in front of the front axle if that makes sense.
Secondly, a couple of you guys might be wondering why didn’t I pre-fill that oil filter well, in my opinion, it’s such a small oil filter Once you turn the engine on it’ll fill so quickly. I just don’t feel like there’s going to be any damage to the engine whatsoever. You can pre-fill your oil fil filter. If you are concerned personally, I’m not. I prefill the massive oil filters on the big diesel engines.
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I work on because it’ll take a couple seconds to fill those for sure. Next, we’re going to drain the oil and if we come on over here, this is our engine oil pan! That’S our drain plug right there and, like I mentioned I like to get the engine oil a little bit warm and if you can feel that it’s just nice and warm to the touch, not crazy hot, so we’re now we’re in the right temperature temperature zone. We’Re going to grab our 13 mil wrench socket whatever you guys want and uh we’re going to break that thing. Loose, get our drain bucket, ready, cuz she’s, going to come out pretty quick woo!
Now you can let this drain like this until the cows come home. It’S up to you again, your vehicle. You can do what you want, but for me it’s drained pretty much as much as she going to drain. I don’t mind putting the drain plug back in right now. Now here comes a critical point.
A lot of you guys are going to say you need to torque this drain plug in by the book. You absolutely should, if you are concerned H, why not I’ll break out the fancy snap on torque, wrench, 20 foot- PBS, is what I found online there. We go, let’s go torque, her up. Click click! Next, we’re going to come up on top and take our oil fill plug out.
Ram 2500 6.4L Hemi OIL CHANGE **How a Mechanic Does it
I like to use a funnel just makes things a little cleaner. You don’t have to now. An old veteran mechanic taught me this. You take your oil fill PL, you put it right in your hood latch, so this thing will not close if you forget to put your oil um fill plug back in some of you. Guys may be saying: why am I not using the penzo Ultra Premium stuff that Ram actually recommends these days?
Well, this stuff is locally always on sale and well. I think it’s pretty good darn oil and I change my oil so often every 5,000 km that to me as long as you’re, putting some good full synthetic Z w40 in this engine. You should be just fine. Additionally, I believe these Hemi engines were actually Factory filled with Mobile 1 to begin with, until Fiat bought, Chrysler and uh well, they have an associated with penoil, which is why I believe they now recommend penoil. So there you go so the 6.
 L hem is going to take about one and 1 half of these bigger jugs, so we’ll put the full first jug in first, that’s one we’ll put in roughly about a half of this and and uh we’ll fire the engine Up and we’ll just see where we sit, and that is the beauty of having a dipstick is, you can kind of just you know, have a little touch and go with your oil if you’re not too sure, unlike the new hurricane engines that are allegedly not going To be coming with any dipsticks which to me, is just a little bit wild so we’ll take our filter out. You don’t want to leave that in there put our oil fill plug back in. So what I like to do now is fire this engine up for about 10 to 15 seconds. Let the oil pressure come up. You might hear a little bit of ticking and attacking right at the beginning, perfectly normal um, and then let the engine sit for about 5 minutes and then we can check our oil and we’ll see exactly where our oil level sits.
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Now, where you can get absolutely burned doing, this is, if you check the oil oil right now, because there’s a lot of oil up in the engine, and it does take a little bit to drain that back down properly, obviously the smaller the engine, the less. This is going to come into play. 64. Hemi is a rather large engine, so I like to wait a couple minutes, maybe 5 minutes and then I’ll check. My oil and that’ll give us a much more true reading of our actual oil level.
So we’ve waited a good amount of time here, let’s see where we land and oh my bang in the freaking money right there boys – I don’t know if the camera picked that up, but that is basically right at our Top Line, exactly full and that’s the way. She’S done right there, boys, let’s go typically it’s about a liter between here and here or a court for my American friends. So, depending on where you fall between these two holes, um should dictate how much oil you. So if you’re halfway I’d say put another half, liter and so forth, if you would focus there, you go well, that’s how you change the oil on a 64 Hemi and a Ram 2500 not much to it. But it is a very important thing to be able to do properly, so let me know how I did if you guys think I screwed something up or miss something.
Let me know always like hearing from you guys anyways enough of me, we’ll see you in the next freaking video. Well, I am still just a potato. I didn’t tell you guys how to reset the oil life interval cuz. That is also a pretty important step step. So we’ll get up in here all right: your ignition has to be on we’re going to go to the truck info or vehicle info we’re going to find oil life.
Ram 2500 6.4L Hemi OIL CHANGE **How a Mechanic Does it
Obviously I really don’t follow it cuz uh! Well, you know whatever and uh. So then, you basically come down here, and that is how you reset your oil life. I don’t know it’s not letting me it’s not letting me reset the oil. I am just a big potato.
Look at this can’t even reset the oil life anyway boys. I don’t know what’s going on, but um: that’s how you do it there’s really not much to it. I’M sure you can find a better video showing how to Res reset the oil life interval anyways. I’M actually leaving we’ll see you later. 

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